consulting gmbh Apps

Der Scanner erkennt mühelos versteckte Inhaltein gekennzeichneten Bildern, QR Codes sowie TV- oder Radiospots.Lernen Sie ARGO kennen und erleben Sie Außergewöhnliches: ARGOsieht und hört ganz genau hin. Überall wo Sie das ARGO Iconentdecken, erwachen 3D Objekte zum Leben, warten spannendeInformationen, begeistern Videos und interaktive Highlights.ARGO macht es Ihnen ganz einfach: Laden Sie die ARGO Appkostenlos auf Ihr Smartphone oder Tablet, starten Sie das ARGO-Augefür Bilder und QR-Codes oder das ARGO-Ohr für Audiosignale in TV-und Radiospots. ARGO scannt blitzschnell und zeigt Ihnen denversteckten Inhalt.Erweitern Sie die Realität um einen multimedialen Mehrwert undherzen Sie die einzigartigen Erlebnisse mit ARGO, indem Siebesondere Inhalte über soziale Netzwerke wie Facebook oder Twitterteilen.Sie möchten ARGO Ihre Meinung sagen, Fragen stellen oderAnregungen geben?ARGO freut sich innerhalb der integrierten Feedbackfunktionjederzeit auf Ihre Nachricht und leitet diese an uns weiter.The scanner effortlesslydetects hidden content images into labeled, QR codes, and TV orradio spots. Learn ARGO know and experience the extraordinary: ARGOsees and listens very well. Everywhere you discover the ARGO iconawaken 3D objects to life, I have some exciting information,inspire videos and interactive highlights.ARGO makes it very easy: Download the ARGO free app to yoursmartphone or tablet, start the ARGO eye for images and QR codes orthe ARGO ear for audio signals in TV and radio spots. ARGO scansquickly and shows you the hidden content.Expand the reality of a multimedia value added and hearts theunique experiences with ARGO, by sharing specific content on socialnetworks like Facebook or Twitter.You want ARGO your opinion, ask questions, or suggestions?ARGO would be within the integrated feedback at any time on yourmessage and passes it on to us.
Volkswagen seeMore (TR) 5.6.5tr
Volkswagen seeMore – the augmented and virtualreality app.
A multi-media journey of exploration starts at the VolkswagenseeMore marker.This symbol shows you when augmented reality elements are hiddeninside images, sounds orreal-life Volkswagen models.Volkswagen seeMore is therefore made up of three types ofscanner:The image scanner for posters, adverts, Volkswagen catalogues andQR codes. The audio scanner for adverts on the television andradio. The vehicle scanner for actual Volkswagen models. Scanningmarked media will transport you from the offline world into ourdigital environment.Thanks to the latest augmented reality technology, our productsolutions are presented in a unique and interactive package. Forexample, vehicles and information are displayed in an animated,interactive and 3D experience, visible from a number of differentangles or presented in product videos. Even without scannableelements, our customers already love our functional highlights,successful content and features.Have you already spotted an element that contains scannablecontent? Simply start up the Volkswagen image, audio or vehiclescanner, scan the element and experience our exclusive content.Bookmark your favourite pages, or share content via Facebook,Twitter or e-mail.We would love to know what you think about Volkswagen seeMore. Usethe integrated feedback function or dealership search to find yournearest partner for a personal appointment.An interactive, multi-media experience: Volkswagen seeMore mergesthe real world with augmented reality...You may even see aVolkswagen magically appear in your living room!Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecrease battery life.
Volkswagen seeMore (CZ) 5.6.5cz
Volkswagen seeMore – the augmented and virtualreality app.
A multi-media journey of exploration starts at the VolkswagenseeMore marker.This symbol shows you when augmented reality elements are hiddeninside images, sounds orreal-life Volkswagen models.Volkswagen seeMore is therefore made up of three types ofscanner:The image scanner for posters, adverts, Volkswagen catalogues andQR codes. The audio scanner for adverts on the television andradio. The vehicle scanner for actual Volkswagen models. Scanningmarked media will transport you from the offline world into ourdigital environment.Thanks to the latest augmented reality technology, our productsolutions are presented in a unique and interactive package. Forexample, vehicles and information are displayed in an animated,interactive and 3D experience, visible from a number of differentangles or presented in product videos. Even without scannableelements, our customers already love our functional highlights,successful content and features.Have you already spotted an element that contains scannablecontent? Simply start up the Volkswagen image, audio or vehiclescanner, scan the element and experience our exclusive content.Bookmark your favourite pages, or share content via Facebook,Twitter or e-mail.We would love to know what you think about Volkswagen seeMore. Usethe integrated feedback function or dealership search to find yournearest partner for a personal appointment.An interactive, multi-media experience: Volkswagen seeMore mergesthe real world with augmented reality...You may even see aVolkswagen magically appear in your living room!Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecrease battery life.
VRGO 1.1
From the creators of ARGO, Volkswagen seeMoreand other groundbreaking AR/VR apps comes VRGO:The Virtual Reality app, that takes you on a virtual tour throughthe agency and work of every moment in a breathtaking, spherical 360° VRview, either simply by moving your smartphone around orstereoscopic via a mobile VR headset!VRGO not only lets you discover all areas of,but also reveals exclusive sneak peaks into their futuristiceveryday work: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality projects,hologram installations, 3D animations and many more.What are you waiting for? Start your virtual journey now!
Volkswagen seeMore (HR) 5.6.5hr
With the Volkswagen seeMore application youwill discover interactive contents that are hidden for you inimages, QR codes, TV or Radio spots. Wherever you find the seeMoreicon, further exciting and attractive information on the respectivetopic is waiting for you. You will be amazed by digital featuressuch as 360° panorama images, interesting videos or interactiveproduct presentations. As a special feature you have thepossibility to experience Volkswagen vehicles virtually in 3D. Withthe Augmented Reality function you can enhance reality and admirethe new Volkswagen models from different angles.It works very easy: download the app, start Volkswagen seeMore,choose image or audio scanner, scan the respective content andclick one time to view the exclusive contents. ExperienceVolkswagen interactively and share the unique contents via theshare function on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Theconvenient dealer search will find the nearest Volkswagen dealerand calculates the route in no time.Do you have any more questions? With the integrated feedbackfunction you can easily get in touch with us. We hope you have alot of fun with the multimedia experience Volkswagen seeMore.
fischen possible 1.0
Die aufgeweckten Fische im Stromsee habenjedeMenge Ausdauer aus nachhaltiger Wasserkraft, BiomasseundSolarenergie. Schnapp dir die bunten Basic-, Star- undSolar-Fischeund erfische dir deinen persönlichen Highscore. DochVorsicht! DieZeit läuft und im Wasser tummeln sich auch Stromaale.ÜbleBurschen, die dir deinen Highscore vermiesen können.Also, auf die Fische.Fertig?Los!Viel Erfolg wünschen dieElektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich
emotionMobile 2.0.4
emotionMobile visualizes contents hiddeninprinted images (magazin, poster…) and allows toscanQR-codes.emotionMobile shows exclusive content which is hidden inprintedimages (magazine, poster, packaging ...) or in QR-codes.StartemotionMobile and hold your Smartphone horizontally above theimageat a distance of 10 cm. As soon as the application hasidentifiedthe image or Code, additional content (video, website...) is shownon your Smartphone. (from Android 2.2)
Volkswagen Passat VR 2
With the Passat, Volkswagen brings afreshmomentum into everyday life.Therefore, all innovative highlights can now be experienced inafun and new way:With VR-goggles, you can immerse yourself in a 360° worldandplayfully explore exclusive 3D experiences, such as theinteractivecolor & rim configurator as well as the virtualinterior.With thePassat,Volkswagen brings a fresh momentum into everyday life.Therefore, all innovative highlights can now be experienced inafun and new way:With VR-goggles, you can immerse yourself in a 360 ° worldandplayfully explore exclusive 3D experiences, such as theinteractivecolor & rim configurator as well as the virtualinterior.
Volkswagen Showroom (AE) 1.1
With the new models, Volkswagen brings afreshmomentum into everyday life. Therefore, all innovativehighlightscan now be experienced in a fun and new way:With VR-goggles, you can immerse yourself in a 360° worldandplayfully explore exclusive 3D experiences, such as theinteractivecolor & rim configurator as well as the virtualinterior.
Volkswagen Showroom (DK) 1.0
With the new models, Volkswagen brings afreshmomentum into everyday life. Therefore, all innovativehighlightscan now be experienced in a fun and new way:With VR-goggles, you can immerse yourself in a 360° worldandplayfully explore exclusive 3D experiences, such as theinteractivecolor & rim configurator as well as the virtualinterior.
Volkswagen Showroom (NL) 1.0
Met de nieuwe modellen brengt Volkswageneenfris momentum in het dagelijks leven. Daarom kunnenalleinnovatieve hoogtepunten nu worden ervaren op een leuke ennieuwemanier:Met de VR-bril, kunt u uzelf onderdompelen in een 360° wereldenspelenderwijs exclusieve 3D-ervaringen ontdekken, zoalsdeinteractieve kleur & velg-configurator evenals hetvirtueleinterieur.With the newmodels,Volkswagen will bring a fresh momentum in everyday life.Therefore,all the innovative highlights are experiencing now in afun and newway:VR glasses, you can immerse yourself in discovering a 360 °worldand playfully exclusive 3D experiences, including interactivecolorand rim configurator and virtual interior.
Volkswagen Amarok VR (DE) 1.3
Pickup: Premium. Erlebnis: Maximum.Temperamentvoll auf Asphalt. Kompromisslos im Gelände. DieneueAmarok Virtual Reality App zeigt, was Sie von einemexklusivenAllrounder der Premiumklasse erwarten können.Erleben Sie die Highlights des neuen Amarok ausverschiedenenPerspektiven: entweder direkt auf Ihrem mobilenEndgerät inPanorama-Ansicht oder in Kombination mit IhremSmartphone und derVolkswagen VR-Brille als 360°-Erlebnis.Wechseln Sie neben Modell, Lackierung oder Felgen auchdiegesamte Szenerie und nehmen Sie Platz im virtuellen Herzendes100-% Premium-Pickups.Unser Tipp: Halten Sie Ihre Kopfhörer bereit, um mit allenSinneneinzutauchen!Pickup:Premium.Experience: Max.Temperamental on asphalt. Uncompromising in the terrain. ThenewAmarok Virtual Reality App shows what you can expect fromanexclusive all-rounder of the premium class.Experience the highlights of the new Amarok fromdifferentperspectives: either directly on your mobile device in apanoramicview or in combination with your smartphone and VolkswagenVRglasses than 360 ° -Erlebnis.Switch to next model paintwork or wheels, the whole sceneandtake place in the virtual heart of the 100% premium pickups.Our tip: Keep your headphones ready to immerse withallsenses!
Ntertainment 1.2.0
Experience the Hyundai i20 Coupe WRC and i30 N TCR in the comfortofyour own home! This augmented reality experience allows you togetup close to this title-winning car, explore it's technicalfeaturesand change the tyres, all on your smart device. You canevenpractice your racing skills and take our cars for a spinaround yourhouse or apartment!